AIC Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 2024 

This Privacy Policy covers the use of this website, operated by AIC Saudi Arabia.

AIC following the Policies & Regulations that provided by SDAIA Saudi Data & AI Authority.

SDAIA Regulatory Arrangements

The regulatory arrangements of the Saudi Data & AI Authority were issued by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (292) dated 27/4/1441 AH, and were amended by Council of Ministers Resolution No. (195) dated 15/3/1444 AH. 

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Data classification Policy and Regulations

The Policy & Regulations set the framework for classifying the data received, produced, or dealt with by public entities, regardless of their source, form, or nature.

Personal Data Protection Law and the implementing Regulation

The law and the implementing Regulation set out the bases for the protection of personal data, the rights of data subjects, and the obligations of controllers.

Data Sharing Policy and Regulations

The policy and regulations regulate the sharing of data produced by government entities with other government entities, private entities, and individuals.

Freedom of Information Policy and Regulations

The policy and the regulations outline the fundamentals and guiding principles of data freedom and applies to requests made by individuals to access or obtain unprotected public data generated by public entities.

Open Data Policy and Regulations

The policy and regulations set out the regulatory frameworks for open data, which is a subset of public information.